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Therefore I as parent/guardian hereby:

Acknowledge that I have familiarized myself with the nature and extent of the Sport and the risks and dangers to which I (my child) may be exposed as a result of (his/her) participation in the Sport;

Voluntarily assume the risks and dangers to which he/she may be exposed as a result of my participation in the Sport;

Indemnify and keep indemnified that PSI and/or its employees and/or agents against all injury, loss, damage, costs and/or expenses which I and/or any other person may sustain or incur as a result of my participation in the Sport; and

Agree not to hold the PSI and/or its employees and/or agents liable for any injury, loss, damage, costs and/or expenses, which I (my child) may sustain or incur as a result of my participation in the Sport;

Agree to allow PSI to use any images taken at PSI for marketing purposes such as flyers or to be posted on facebook and/or PSI's website;

Agree to receive information about future PSi events via email;

I, as parent or guardian of the registered player agree to the terms and conditions above;

INDEMNITY *I confirm all details are correct and up to date.


021 510 0809

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